

Sens Motion +3 / Stick +3
Sloshing Machine
Nautilus 47
.52 Gal
Proving Grounds
Squid Junction
THIS IS FINE (Challenge Comp)
Awarded for winning Proving Grounds
2754XP peak machine Na First low level tournament result (šŸ„ˆminnow cup RM) 2600 CB Jp Neo machine 2635 Rm Jp Neo machine šŸ„‡Squid Junction 66 šŸ„‡Proving grounds 23 šŸ„‡Infinity Cup šŸ„ˆProving grounds 28 šŸ„ˆStack the clams šŸ„ˆproving grounds šŸ„‰Splatalittle šŸ„‰King of the Jungle 2 šŸ„‰king of the jungle sp2 addition 4-1 KING,Yuni,Benjy@,Camavinga 3-2 duck motif 3-0 Pelu Half Balloon Joe 2-1 Hellā€™s paradise (Wasabi Anger,Noctis,Zay) 3-0 Yoshell,Halo,NinjaTrain,dj Junkie! 2-1 Havoc,Stormhero,Mecha,pika 3-0 Inc Joe Inc Beam Toast Inc Caim 3-1 kera keen Taylor sunguraa 3-2 {1}Shot? Esp Cas Lex 3-2 Sunguraa Taylor Keen Mango